Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Can you believe it is Christmas already? The stockings are hung by the chimney with care and it appears Santa stopped by for a quick (and, thankfully, light) delivery.

This time of year was busy, just like every Christmas, with holiday activities with the homeschool co-op, American Heritage Girls, church, work, family, and, of course, Joie's birthday party.

Our church's worship band presented, for the fourth year in a row, Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God. It keeps getting better and better each year. This year, our leader asked me to audition for a very small part (30 seconds?). It was an honor and a thrill to be a part of such a great concert!

Last night, we did our annual trek over to Delhi to visit Heather's side of the family. We ate, opened presents, and enjoyed each others company. When we got home, we noticed the PJ Fairy had stopped by while we were gone to give us all new pajamas, as she does each year on Christmas Eve.

We spent the morning together, just the four of us, sharing just a few gifts with one another. Around 11:00 a.m., we left for Ammaw and Ampaw's for brunch and, yes, more gifts. We also got to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus! We came back home a few hours later so some naps could take place. We went out again later for dinner at a hibachi Japanese restaurant. Yum!

All in all, a great Christmas! Merry Christmas! Pictures will be posted soon.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Joie!

I can't believe it has been another year already! Joie turned three today! She is such a special little girl! We are truly blessed to have her and her sister!

Joie had her party this past Saturday. Her grandparents (Grandma Embry, and Ammaw & Ampaw Shaut), aunt (Jessica), cousin (GiGi), friends (Scott (Mr.), Robyn (Mrs.), Toby, and Aimee Duebber), joined Livvi, Heather and I as we celebrated. She got lots of presents, had cupcakes, had an Abby Cadabby pinata (which had a strange place for the candy to come out) and jumped around in the basement in a bouncy house. Here she is awaiting her cupcake:

Since the party, she has been dragging the carcass of the Abby Cadabby pinata around as her friend. The other night, Abby had spaghetti dinner with us and slept on the floor next to Joie's bed (with pillow and blanket). She has also ridden in the car and Joie insists Abby sit on a car seat as well.

Happy Birthday, Joie! We love you!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Conversation Overheard in the Van

This is a conversation Heather overheard heading home after church this past Sunday. Livvi (L) is trying to encourage Joie (J) to go to her toddler class at church:

L: You should go in the toddler room.
J: I didn't.
L: You should next time. You'll have fun!
J: No, have fun with daddy.
L: You will have more fun with the other kids.
J: No, I don't like my kids.