On Monday, Joie started complaining shortly after noon about her nose. She said there was a toy in her nose. I thought she was full of beans. I looked and didn't see anything and said it was probably just a booger (sorry). Heather asked what kind of toy because she couldn't imagine what toy could fit in her nose, other than a Barbie accessory. Jo's only response was "tiny". After Heather asked what color the toy was, she said "pink". Heather tried to get her to blow her nose, but no toy appeared. She even got out the ground pepper to try to make her sneeze, but she didn't sneeze.
Joie would continue to mention it, rubbing her nose, and making faces, but didn't otherwise seem to be bothered by it. So a couple hours later, after looking in her nose several times, Heather finally thought she might see something shiny way up in her nose. We decided to call the doctor to try to get in so he could look at it. On the way to the doctor, Jo started crying as she didn't want to see the doctor. However, in the office, she was perfectly quiet and cooperative. Long story short, Jo was right! She stuck a craft gem up her nose. When the doctor pulled it out, it was at least 1/4" across. Here's hoping she learned her lesson!
This is a conversation Heather and I overheard today while running some errands. I believe Joie was counting at the time:
L: Joie, I've counted to 400 before.
J: Why?
'nuff said.
The following was posted by Heather on Facebook yesterday:
"How many people, other than parents, have had to apply a Hello Kitty bandaid to a pool noodle because its eye was hurting?"