Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Break a Leg

Olivia has expressed interest in drama for a few years. Last summer, she participated in a short summer camp at The Drama Workshop. That was enough to hook her. When we found out she could participate in the local school play, she was all in!

She tried out and was cast in the ensemble for the Aladdin, Jr. show. It was her first big production in a school play!

As anyone who has been in a show knows, it takes months of practice to prepare. She said it was all worth it the week she did all seven performances. She seems to be a natural and really loved being involved.

She did a great job! Can't wait to see what she does next.

Sorry for the blurriness of these videos:

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A New Martial Artist and Two Promotions

After years of encouraging her, watching her sister, and us just leaving her alone to make her own decision, Josephine decided to start TaeKwonDo in August 2014. She took a bullyproofing class that week at the martial arts school and decided to give it a try. We got her signed up.

She took her first class and had a blast!

She participated in the annual Harvest Home Parade as well.

Since that time, she was able to test for her gold belt (November 2014):

This past Friday, March 27, she then promoted to the gold belt with orange stripe.

Very proud of your efforts, Joie! We really have a couple of beautiful, sweet, and potentially lethal young ladies!