Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I gained a LOT of respect for Heather after childbirth (our kids, not mine). However, after Monday, I now have a whole new respect for her!

Monday morning, I'm nearly completely dressed for work, when Heather said she didn't feel well AT ALL. She could barely get out of bed. Realizing there was no way she would be able to take care of two kids in that condition, I decided to stay at home so she could rest. Little did I know what I was signing up to do.

Joie woke up entirely too early. She was cranky and not feeling well herself. She kept screaming, and it just made me madder and madder. After all, I was there to help Heather rest and Livvi was still sleeping. When Livvi awoke, we had breakfast, then got dressed. By this time, it was about 9:00 a.m. and Joie was looking pretty tired. I offered to get them a hot chocolate from Starbucks and chose one that was about 20 minutes away, to see if she would fall asleep. She finally fell asleep about 10:30 p.m. on the way home, about one minute from our house. I dropped Livvi off at home and made sure Jo was asleep before taking her up to her room.

Liv and I then started her school work. We only got through 2.5 subjects in about 3-4 hours! Between her being a little lethargic from having been sick herself, easily distracted, and me not completely knowing what to do, it made for a not-so-productive school day. All this despite the fact Jo slept between 3 and 4 hours (thank you, Lord)!

The girls and I then left for Tae Kwon Do, grabbed dinner on the way home, and wolfed it down. I then had to take Liv to American Heritage Girls. While she was there, I went grocery shopping, then back to pick Liv up to head back home.

This is a typical Monday for Heather and the girls, except that Jo usually only naps for 2 hours (if at all) and they get about twice as much school work in (or more). Not to mention there may be a load or two of laundry done as well. I don't know how she does it, but she does (and does it well)!

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