Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Breaking" News

In a previous post, I explained how Olivia was going to get to go to Alaska this summer.  While it will be a great and educational adventure for her, it isn't cheap.  We were looking for ways to help raise money for the trip.  Her martial arts school, Cincinnati Martial Arts Club, had a great idea of a break-a-thon for Livvi to do.

The break-a-thon actually offered two different opportunities for people to give:

  1. Donate $5 per board to break the board themselves
  2. Sponsor Livvi a total amount or a per board amount
  3. I guess a third opportunity was to do both!
I think all money is now collected.  Everyone was so generous!  Livvi broke 60 boards in 30 minutes and raised $1,705!

Here is a video of her breaks:

Thank you to all who donated their time and money!  It is truly humbling!

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