Saturday, July 10, 2010

Not To Be Outdone

Today, Joie fell off the couch at church, hitting the back of her head on either the floor or the chair next to it. We didn't think much of it until we saw blood. We couldn't see the wound very well as her blood soaked hair kept blocking our view. Heather thought it best to take her to Children's to make sure everything was fine. Here is the best shot we could see:

A picture of the band-aid they put on it to apply the numbing ointment:

Long story short, Jo needed a staple to fix it and was a trooper throughout the process (though she never spoke to anyone there). She is doing great and is already her old self. We have some tough kids! I just hope we're done getting them damaged!

Below are more pics and a video of the stapling. Two of the pictures are of Joie blowing in the cuff they used to take her blood pressure.

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